Protect your pipeline with Transpiration Control Technology (TCT)
2024 Aug 20th
Protect your pipeline with Transpiration Control Technology (TCT).
Enormous time and cost savings potential – now with 10% off for a limited time only!
Protect Your Standards
The sealed TCT bag stops the loss of water vapor from the bottle, offering extended shelf life at no extra cost.
A CRM packaged in TCT retains scientific integrity for up to five years from the date of manufacture.
Protect Your Budget
- You won’t need to worry about future lead times, supply chain disruptions or increased shipping costs.
- Eliminate the additional time and procurement costs associated with placing multiple orders.
- Minimize waste and environmental impact by controlling your expiration date — one year from opening the sealed bag.
- Multiple bottle discounting applies on two or more custom solutions from the same lot.
- Purchasing the same solution lot in bulk ensures consistent test values from bottle to bottle, or the entire validity period.
We are currently offering 10% off TCT products* (off CAD List Prices) until April 30, 2022 with the discount code:
*10% off of Canadian list price catalogue items
If you would like more information, or to request a custom quote please get in touch. One of our team will be happy to help you.