Which laboratory balance is right for you?


Do you know your analytical balances from your moisture balances?
Laboratory balances  are key parts of every lab’s inventory, used to measure the weight of samples across a wide range of subject matters in a variety of scientific fields. There are different types of laboratory balance available depending on your lab’s unique needs, which vary in terms of material, sample size, environment and the type of work required. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which balance is right for you. 

From differences of readability - the smallest change in weight that the device is able to detect - to added features, read on to discover the uses of five of the most common analytical balances. We discuss analytical balances, compact balances, micro balances, moisture balances and precision balances, to help you decipher which product is best suited for your lab.


Analytical balances

Analytical balances are precise measuring tools that feature a draught shield around the measuring pan. This keeps out any unwanted materials like dust during the weighing, as well as reducing the effects of wind and other external factors that could interfere with the reading. They generally offer up to 1-2kg capacity, with an average readability of 0.1-0.001g. 

Because of their unique draught shield feature, analytical balances are useful for labs where the sample being measured is very small and particularly sensitive to external factors, as the level of precision the analytical balance is able to achieve can help to ensure a more accurate reading. 

Looking for an analytical balance? Why not take a look at this Adam Equipment Luna Analytical Balance with Internal Automatic Calibration.


Compact balances

Compact balances, also known as portable balances, are unrestricted in terms of location, making them the best choice for field work. They are smaller in size than other balance types, and tend to be battery operated to allow for portable usage. 

Perfect for use away from the lab, compact balances offer on-the-go measurements without compromising on functionality. Models offer up to 5kg capacity, with between 0.1-0.001g readability. 

Do you need a compact balance to complete your field work? Check out the Adam Equipment Highland® Series of portable precision balances.


Semi-micro balances

Semi-micro balances have a much more precise readability than most other balances, averaging around 0.01mg (0.00001g). Because of this, they are much better suited for weighing very small samples, and their capacities are generally smaller to accommodate this specific use. Most semi-micro balances offer a capacity of up to 500g, making them unsuitable for some larger samples. 

Because of their specialist use with smaller materials, semi-micro balances can also be used for other applications that require very small, accurate measurements. For example, they can be used to measure during pipette calibration to ensure a precise reading. 

For the answer to all your miniature sample needs, take a look at our range of semi-micro balances.


Moisture balances

Moisture balances are perhaps the most unique of the balances discussed here, as they are used to find out the moisture content of a sample, rather than the weight of the sample itself. The device does this by weighing the sample, removing the moisture in it and then weighing it once more to calculate the change in weight. It generally offers a capacity up to 500g, with a readability of 0.01-0.001g.

Most commonly used for food samples and powders, the moisture is extracted by heating the sample from above to dry it as it is weighed from beneath. Due to the use of heat in the process, some materials are not suitable for use in the moisture balance. For example, sugar will liquify and burn before the water content is extracted, while some plastics might have such a low moisture percentage that the heat of the device is not enough for effective removal. 

Is a moisture balance what you’re looking for? Look no further than the Adam Equipment PMB Series Moisture Analyzer.


Precision balance

If none of the more specific uses of the above devices seem quite right for you, you might be looking for a precision balance. Similar to an analytical balance but without the draught shield, a precision balance is an all-round quality measuring tool that offers precise, reliable readings across a range of applications.

Unaffected by temperature, precision balances generally offer a capacity up to 3kg - although some larger models can take up to 64kg. Their readability is often between 0.1-0.01g, and they are a useful tool for general lab work and day-to-day measurements. 

Need an all-round measurement device for your lab? The Adam Equipment Nimbus®  Series precision balances could be the range for you.


The verdict

No two laboratories are the same, and each environment requires a different specialist device for optimal measuring. Whether you’re out in the field or working with miniscule samples, Delta has the laboratory balance you need to ensure a reliable result, every time. 


Find out more about our full range of laboratory balances here, or get in touch with our team of experts.