10006-10 | NSI Lab Solutions E. aerogenes, 1000 to 2000 CFU
NSI Lab Solutions
10006-20X | NSI Lab Solutions E. aerogenes, 1000 to 2000 CFU
10662-10 | NSI Lab Solutions High Level Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, 1000 to 2000 CFU
10662L-10 | NSI Lab Solutions Low Level Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, <200 CFU
10662L-20X | NSI Lab Solutions Low Level Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, <200 CFU
51-00026 | NSI Lab Solutions Pseudomonas Aeruginosa CRM, 1.5 mL
51-00053 | NSI Lab Solutions NCPF 2275 Aspergillus Brasiliensis, 1.5 mL
51-00054 | NSI Lab Solutions Candida Albicans USP CRM
51-0012 | NSI Lab Solutions Escherichia Coli USP CRM, 1.5 mL
51-0032 | NSI Lab Solutions Salmonella Enterica CRM, 1.5 mL
61-00026 | NSI Lab Solutions Pseudomonas Aeruginosa CRM, 1.5 mL
61-00029 | NSI Lab Solutions Salmonella Enterica Abony CRM, 1.5 mL
61-0003 | NSI Lab Solutions Bacillus Subtilis USP CRM, 1.5 mL
61-00031 | NSI Lab Solutions Salmonella Enterica CRM, 1.5 mL
61-00053 | NSI Lab Solutions Aspergillus Brasiliensis, 1.5 mL
61-00054 | NSI Lab Solutions Candida Albicans USP CRM, 1.5 mL
61-0012 | NSI Lab Solutions Escherichia Coli CRM, 1.5 mL
61-0032 | NSI Lab Solutions Staphylococcus Aureus USP CRM, 1.5 mL
775H-10 | NSI Lab Solutions E.faecalis, 1000 to 2000 CFU
775H-20X | NSI Lab Solutions E.faecalis, 1000 to 2000 CFU
775L-10 | NSI Lab Solutions E.faecalis, <200 CFU
775L-20X | NSI Lab Solutions E.faecalis, <200 CFU
8167-10 | NSI Lab Solutions Klebsiella spp, 1000 to 2000 CFU
8167-20X | NSI Lab Solutions Klebsiella spp, 1000 to 2000 CFU